"I have a 53 lb, 1 year old, Siberian Husky. He goes CRAZY for this ball! He will chase it around the house for 30 mins+ all by himself. This is the best toy I have gotten him so far! Bought a second one, because it’s very durable!"
"My dog is a chewer, yet he hasn’t chewed through this toy. I’m sure with time just like everything else it will be destroyed but we had this toy for weeks and it’s been holding up!"
"Love this product, we have a Lab and she manages to destroy 90% of all toys we get...except this one, well worth it!"
Even better, it comes with a 60-Day money-back guarantee!
That's why any interested Dog & Pup Parents should click or tap the button at the bottom of the page and let us know where to send your "Heavy Chewer" Bite-Resistant Ball TODAY!